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Brian Destiny: Interview | NOTHING'S TOO GOOD
Brian Destiny: Interview

Apr 26, 2022 | Culture, Music

We chatted with Nathan Saoudi AKA Brain Destiny of Fat White Family fame, about his new release “Brian’s Got Talent”, his record label and the Old Firm Derby.

So it seems that the last 2 years of madness have at least been good for you creatively, was it the relative isolation that pushed you to work on Brian Destiny?

I try to isolate myself often anyway, so I didn’t really appreciate the forced isolation. For me, it was bit like being told to wash the dishes when I’m already washing the dishes. Creativity levels stayed roughly the same. 

It feels like you’ve carried the stylings you brought to Fat White Family into “Brian’s Got Talent”, but with more danceable beats, what were you listening to when you were working on this record?

I love dancing, so I’m glad to hear that. I was listening to Marvin Gaye a lot. And the Kanye west Yeezuz album. 

Can you dance?

When I’m good I’m decent. When I’m bad I’m shy. One day I would like to learn how to cha cha or tango. I reckon its a good habit to have, the cha cha, or the tango, or even a bit of line dancing.


This record has been released on the Dash The Henge label, what gave you the push to start your own label?

Dunno really. Just did. Thought, why not.

Where did the name for the label come from? A rejection of tradition?

No, quite the opposite –  a preservation of tradition. It’s preserving the Stonehenge by means of pebble dashing it. 

In terms of song writing and recording, how different is it working primarily on your own, compared to being in the studio with FWF?

There’s 4 or 5 songwriters in FWF trying to write songs for 1 band. That has its benefits. It also has its pitfalls. With Brian Destiny, I write a load of songs and then ask a few friends to help me bring it all together. Different horses for different courses. its all good to me. I feel honoured by the talent and discipline I see around me.

What’s the one piece of equipment you couldn’t live without?

My Yamaha Portasound pss570. It’s my mobile keyboard. It’s makes a beautiful sound and it’s very…mobile.

Finally, Rangers or Celtic?

The derby is the greatest derby, perhaps in the world…

On the other hand, in the grand scheme of things, they’re both shite. Crystal Palace would destroy them on a weekly basis


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